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Advantages of Cash-based Therapy

1:1 Attention

You get dedicated time and energy from your therapist, whose attention will be focused on providing you care (rather than keeping up with paperwork)


We can come to you! Whether it's in your home, office, or gym, we provide care at your convenience in a location that works best for you!

Flexible Scheduling

We provide flexible scheduling and availability. Whether its an early morning session before work or a weekend appointment to fit your busy schedule, we can provide care at a time that works for you!

Communication and Support

We make effective communication with our patients a priority and are available for questions, concerns or virtual visits! Thanks to modern technology, we can provide virtual support, including tele-health meetings for our patients.

Interior Design

Meet the owner

Hi! I'm Jana Killifer. I have been a physical therapist for 27 years and have worked in the Louisville area since 1999.   I have had  experience in many different settings, including hospital, post-surgical rehab, long-term care, home health and outpatient hand therapy with Kleinert-Kutz, one of the the leading hand care centers in the world. 

After 27 years of working in nursing homes, hospitals and clinics, I decided I needed a change.  Feeling frustrated that insurance and paperwork limited the time I actually got to spend caring for and helping my patients, I began Kentuckiana Mobile Therapy with the goal of providing more focused treatment in a convenient location, allowing my patients to get the care they deserve!

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